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v2.4.0 Release Notes

· 3 min read
Serhii Cho
Full Stack Engineer

The Textwire version v2.4.0 is an important release. The first release in 2025. It adds several convenient features and improvements to the language. This release includes Component Path Alias, introduction of new built-in functions, debugging utilities and more. Read the complete release notes to learn more about the changes.

Component Path Alias

Component Path Alias is a small but useful feature that is useful for people who will keep their components in the components directory. The ~ alias can be used to reference components in the components directory.

Consider this example of calling a components/post-card component before the version v2.4.0:

<div class="posts">
@each(post in posts)
@component("components/post-card", { post })

Now you can repleace the components/ part with ~ alias like so:

<div class="posts">
@each(post in posts)
@component("~post-card", { post })

The ~ alias will be replaced with components/ behind the scenes.

New trimRight and trimLeft Functions

A couple of people suggested to add trimRight and trimLeft functions and now they are available in the v2.4.0 release. We already had the trim function for trimming both sides of a string, but now you can trim only the left or right side of a string if that's what you need.

The usage is simple:

<span>{{ " Textwire ".trim() }}</span>

You can also pass a string of characters to trim from a string:

<span>{{ "_Textwire".trimLeft('_') }}</span>

New repeat Function

A new function repeat is added to strings. The function repeats a string a specified number of times. The function takes a single argument, the number of times to repeat the string.

<span>{{ '🤣'.repeat(5) }}</span>

New append and prepend Functions

Two new functions append and prepend are added to arrays. The append function adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns a new array. The prepend function adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns a new array.

<span>{{ ["one", "two"].append("three", "four") }}</span>
<span>one, two, three, four</span>
<span>{{ ["one", "two"].prepend("three", "four") }}</span>
<span>three, four, one, two</span>

New @dump Directive

The @dump directive is used for debugging purposes. It will print the value of the passed variables, objects, arrays, etc. to the output. Here is an example of using the @dump directive:

<h1>This is my title</h1>

name: "John",
age: 25,
admin: false,
hobbies: ["reading", "coding"],

<p>Some content</p>

The output would look like something like this:

It's an easy and convenient way to debug your templates and see what's going on inside of them.