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Version: v2


Textwire is a domain-specific language (DSL) tailored for Go projects, designed to effortlessly embed dynamic content into text-based formats like HTML, XML, JSON or any other text-based format that you can think of.

Built specifically for Go, Textwire offers a clean and intuitive syntax that makes injecting variables and logic into any text-based format simple and efficient.

VSCode Extension

If you use VSCode code editor, you can use our VSCode extension to get syntax highlighting and other features for Textwire. Plugin for Neovim is coming soon.

With Textwire, seamlessly integrate dynamic content into your HTML files, enabling the creation of data-driven, responsive pages with ease.

The syntax is designed to be familiar and easy-to-learn, especially for developers with experience in other template languages. Visit the Language Elements page to explore the full range of available statements and directives for your templates.

You can use Textwire in three versatile ways:

  1. As a templating engine for web applications
  2. To embed dynamic content into a string
  3. To embed dynamic content into a file

Here is a simple example of a Textwire template:

@insert('title', 'Welcome to Home Page')

<h1>Welcome to Textwire</h1>
<p>Our team along with {{ }} are glad to see you!</p>

@each(book in books)
@component('~book', { book })
<h2>No books found</h2>

Click the "Next" button below to learn more about Language Elements in Textwire.