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Version: v2

Built-in Functions

Textwire has a set of built-in functions that can be used to manipulate data. These functions are used to perform operations on strings, arrays, integers, and floats. You can use these functions anywhere in your Textwire programs.

Built-in functions usage

Each function is attached to a specific data type. For example, the len function is used to get the length of an array, and the trim function is used to remove characters from both sides of the string. You can call a function on a value by using the dot operator (.) followed by the function name.

{{ "Textwire".len() }} <!-- output: 8 -->

You can also chain multiple functions together to perform complex operations.

{{ "  Textwire  ".trim().len() }} <!-- output: 8 -->
Error handling

Learn about error handling in Textwire when you call a function that doesn't exist, or when you pass incorrect arguments

Unicode friendly

Since I speak 4 languages, Russian, English, Chinese, and Ukrainian, I understand the importance of Unicode support. So, I'm trying to make Textwire as Unicode friendly as possible to setisfy the needs of people from different countries.

All the built-in functions in Textwire are Unicode friendly, which means they can handle Unicode characters and strings without any issues. You can use these functions to manipulate strings in any language. For example:

{{ "我喜欢中国".len() }} <!-- output: 5 -->


{{ "привет".at(2) }} <!-- output: и -->

Suggest a new function

New functions are added in new version of Textwire when there is a need for them. You can follow the updates in our Release Notes on GitHub.

If you have a suggestion for a new functions that might benefit everybody using Textwire, please open an issue on GitHub or email me at and I will consider adding it in the next version. Just quick suggestion in a single paragraph is enough.